2016 – Drawlloween
I used the Drawlloween prompt list again for Inktober 2016. Each of these was drawn on A4 paper with markers.
1. Return From The Dead 2. Carnival Creeps 3. Mummy Monday 4. Tentacle Tuesday 5. Better Gnomes & Goblins 6. Urban Legends 7. What Lies In The Mist? 8. 8 Legs, 1,000 Eggs 9. He’s A Dummy, Doll 10. Demonday 11. Slimy Swamps, Foggy Bogs 12. I’ve Got A Hunchback 13. Thursday The Thirteenth 14. Scarecrow Row 15. Drive-In Creature Feature 16. Full Moon! 17. Mad Science Monday 18. Nosfera-Tuesday 19. Witchcraft Wednesday 20. Horses & Headless Men 21. Phantom Phriday 22. Bat-urday 23. Superstition Sunday 24. Mechanical Monstrosity 25. Entombed Tuesday 26. They Came From Outerspace! 27. Call Of C’Thursday 28. Ghosts-A-Go-Go 29. Black Caturday 30. Skulls & Skeletons 31. Trick ‘R’ Treat!